Academic Integrity League

Celebrating the 5th anniversary of the League of Academic Integrity


Welcome to the official website of the Academic Integrity League!


In 2023, on August 28th, the League celebrated its 5th anniversary. Over these five years, we have dedicated our efforts to support and promote the values of academic integrity in educational institutions across the Republic of Kazakhstan. You can find a more detailed overview of the League's activities on our official Facebook page ( Additionally, under the "Events + Conferences" tab, you will find information about major forums dedicated to the promotion of academic integrity over the past five years.

Our community is growing actively, attracting more educational institutions and students who share our values and aspire to uphold academic integrity in their educational processes.

Within the framework of our work, we aim to create an integral and unwavering culture of academic integrity where every student and member of the faculty is valued for their integrity, ethics, and intellectual honesty. We believe that only by adhering to high standards of ethics, honesty, and fairness can we ensure a just and quality educational environment that encourages the development of knowledge and creativity.

Over the five-year period, the Academic Integrity League has achieved significant results in its work, and we now have 17 member universities as part of our united team. We invite other universities in Kazakhstan to share our values and join us in building the principles of academic integrity within the higher education system of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

As part of the celebration of the League's fifth anniversary, we plan to organize an international forum that will take place in March 2023. This forum will be dedicated to knowledge exchange, training, and interaction among our League members. The celebration will include expert presentations, panel discussions, competitions, and much more. We intend to seize this opportunity to celebrate our achievements and outline plans for the future development and growth of the Academic Integrity League.


We sincerely invite everyone who shares our values and respects academic integrity to join us in this significant event. Together, we can continue our mission to create an integral and ethical educational environment.


Stay tuned to our website for updates on upcoming events, registration details, and ways to participate.


With respect,

The Academic Integrity League Team


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