Academic Integrity League

The order of entry

Procedure for joining the Association of Higher Education Institutions “Academic Integrity League”

General provisions

  1. This Procedure is developed in accordance with the Charter and standards of the Association of Higher Education Institutions “Academic Integrity League” (hereinafter - the League) and defines the procedure for admission of Higher and (or) Postgraduate Education Institutions (hereinafter - HPEIs) as members of the League.
  2. The HPEI that aims to improve the quality of higher and/or postgraduate education, support and promote the principles of academic integrity and fruitful cooperation with other members of the League, may be a member of the Academic Integrity League.

Procedure for admission of the HPEIs as members of the League

  1. Admission to membership in the League consists of two mandatory steps:

a)a. Submission of a written application to the President of the General Assembly

b)b. Passing the monitoring for compliance with the standards of the Academic Integrity League and the presence of corruption risks (hereinafter - Monitoring).

1.1 1.1 The first stage of joining the League is the submission of a written application confirming the intention of the HPEI to become a member of the League, addressed to the President of the General Assembly of the League on behalf of the CEO of the HPEI.

1.1.1     1.1.1 After submitting the application, the HPEI automatically receives the status of “Applicant”, which does not entail any obligations to the League.

1.2 1.2 The second stage of joining the League is to pass Monitoring for compliance with the standards of the Academic Integrity League and the presence of corruption risks (hereinafter - Monitoring).

1.2.1     1.2.1 Monitoring is an on-site event, the purpose of which is to check the HPEI for real compliance with the standards of the League and the presence of corruption risks.

1.2.2 The League Council shall notify the “Applicant” of the date of Monitoring and the personal composition of the monitoring team at least one month before Monitoring.

1.2.3     1.2.3 The League has the right to refuse the “Applicant” to conduct Monitoring, if the “Applicant” refuses to provide data and (or) provides unreliable data. In case of disagreement with the refusal to conduct Monitoring, the “Applicant” has the right to provide additional information that may affect the revision of this decision.

1.2.4  Monitoring is conducted by a group of 7 or more experts from among the representatives of the HPEI members of the League, representatives of the League associate members and representatives of non-governmental organizations.

1.2.5 An employee of the HPEI, which is being monitored, cannot be an expert of the Monitoring Team.

1.2.6 The “Applicant” shall provide a self-assessment on the subjects of Monitoring to the members of the Monitoring Team at least 3 months prior to Monitoring.

1.2.7 The experts of the Monitoring Team shall evaluate the HPEI on the subjects of Monitoring, which shall be sent to the “Applicant” no later than 4 months prior to the conduct of Monitoring.

1.2.6 The “Applicant” shall provide a self-assessment on the subjects of Monitoring to the members of the Monitoring Team at least 3 months prior to Monitoring.

1.2.8 As part of Monitoring, the members of the Monitoring Team shall:

a. Conduct in-depth interviews with management, faculty, students, and alumni of the HPEI;
b. Examine the official HPEI website and LMS (viewing by a student, faculty and administrator);
Examine supporting documentation referenced by respondents during interviews;
d. Examine university facilities, including dormitory, library, student services center, and other rooms/areas involved in the educational process;
e. Conduct personal interviews with faculty, students, staff and alumni of the HPEI, if necessary.

1.2.9 The experts of the Monitoring Team shall have the right to request remote access to the documents required to assess the subjects of Monitoring and access to the LMS of the HPEI (viewing by a student, faculty and administrator) from the time the Monitoring date is set.

1.2.10 The subject of Monitoring is the element of HPEI activity, inspected by the experts of the Monitoring Team.

1.2.11 One of the following types of assessment may be given for each subject of Monitoring

a. “Fully compliant with the League requirements” - in case the subject of Monitoring fully complies with the requirements of the League;

b. “Partially compliant with the League requirements” - in case the monitoring subject partially meets the League requirements;

c. “Not compliant with the League requirements” - in case the subject of the Monitoring does not meet League requirements;

d. “Not determined by Monitoring” - in case the experts of the Monitoring Team have difficulties in giving a score for this Monitoring Subject;

e. “Not applicable to the HPEI” - if the criteria required to make an assessment on the subject of Monitoring are not applicable to the HPEI.

1.2.12 In case a HPEI receives grades of “Fully compliant with the League requirements” and “Partially compliant with the League requirements” for at least 40% of the Monitoring Subjects - it shall be assigned the status of “League Candidate”.

1.2.13 The “League Candidate” has no obligations to the League but has a priority right to repeat Monitoring.

1.2.14 In case a HPEO receives grades of “Fully compliant with the League requirements” and “Partially compliant with the League requirements” for at least 60% of the Monitoring Subjects, it will be assigned the status of “League Member” at the next General Assembly.

1.2.15 The “League Member" has all the rights prescribed in the League Charter, decisions of the General Assembly and the League Council, and bears the obligations prescribed in the aforementioned documents.

1.2.16 Repeated Monitoring of the “Applicant” or “League Candidate” is conducted not earlier than one year from the date of the last Monitoring.

Coverage of expenses

1.1.1 All expenses related to the activities of the Monitoring group experts (accommodation, meals, travel and daily subsistence allowance) are covered by the HPEI undergoing Monitoring.


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