Academic Integrity League

All Aboard

International Day of Academic Integrity, 2024

Дата публикации: 11.07.2024

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The Ship of Integrity Sets Sail on October 16, 2024 for International Day of Academic Integrity

All Aboard: Making Academic Integrity Everyone's Business

The Ship of Integrity has set sail on the high seas of Academic conduct, guided by this year's exciting theme: "All Aboard: Making Academic Integrity Everyone's Business." Mark your calendars for October 16, 2024, as we celebrate International Day of Academic Integrity!

This year's theme focuses on Academic Integrity as the Responsibility of everyone involved in education: faculty, staff, and students. It emphasizes promoting Academic Integrity as an essential mission at the heart of institutions.

Global leaders in Academic Integrity, including Tricia Bertram Gallant, Sarah Eaton, Kane Murdoch, Ann Rogerson, Amanda McKenzie, Irene Glendinning, Thomas Lancaster, Zeenath Khan, and many others, have been championing Academic Integrity as crucial work for years. Now, the era of Artificial Intelligence, which has sparked a surge of interest in Academic Integrity, presents an opportunity to engage and involve a much broader audience.

Next year's theme also encompasses maintaining integrity beyond academia, transitioning to professional ethics and lifelong learning, aligning with the Academic Intgrity League's foundational values.

On International Day of Academic Integrity, we aim to involve and engage everyone in our live events, social media campaigns, and encouraging action within institutions. The full program for the Day and all details will be available soon.

This year's "All Aboard" theme leads us to create fun and engaging nautical-themed resources, including "Staying Calm in Rough Waters" (advice for students on making sound decisions about academic behavior under pressure) and "Navigating the Roles and Responsibilities of Academic Integrity" (charting a course and showing intersections with Academic Integrity across different departments and roles). Inevitably, we will face threats to Academic Integrity, including "Plagiarism Sharks" lurking in the waters, "Contract Cheating Pirates" seeking to exploit loopholes, and the "Artificial Intelligence Tsunami" challenging traditional assessment methods. However, we remain committed to "catching" best practices and staying ahead of the curve.


Stay tuned to our website for updates

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